Si può vivere in simbiosi con le piante? Instaurare con il mondo vegetale una specie di economia circolare? Fare di radici, fusti e foglie i nostri co-worker e coinquilini?
(en)Can we live in symbiosis with plants? Establish some sort of circular economy with the plant world? Make roots, trunks and leaves our colleagues and flatmates?
Condividere intelligenza verde (en)Sharing green intelligence
La Fabbrica dell’Aria® di Lombardini22
(en)The Lombardini22 Fabbrica dell’Aria®
Un laboratorio di innovazione scientifica e tecnologica che purifica l’aria indoor, una foresta viva all’interno di un luogo di lavoro e di progetto da sempre votato alla sperimentazione come Lombardini22. La Fabbrica dell’Aria® è un progetto dello scienziato Stefano Mancuso e di Pnat collettivo di designer, architetti e biologi spin-off dell’Università di Firenze.
(en)A laboratory focused on scientific innovation and technology that purifies indoor air, a living forest inside a work and design space that has always had an eye on experimentation, just like Lombardini22. The Fabbrica dell’Aria® (Air Factory) is a project by scientist Stefano Mancuso and Pnat, a collective that includes designers, architects, and biologists from theUniversity of Florence.
(en)A laboratory focused on scientific innovation and technology that purifies indoor air, a living forest inside a work and design space that has always had an eye on experimentation, just like Lombardini22. The Fabbrica dell’Aria® (Air Factory) is a project by scientist Stefano Mancuso and Pnat, a collective that includes designers, architects, and biologists from theUniversity of Florence.

Spazio vivo(en)A living space
Nei nuovi spazi in cui si sono trasferitele Business Unit del Gruppo più direttamente legate alla sostenibilità energetica e alle qualità atmosferiche dell’ambiente – L22 Engineering &Sustainability, CAP DC, Atmos – ha trovato posto la serra di 35 metri quadrati del La Fabbrica dell’Aria®, e ha iniziato a respirare. Si compone di 8 vasche aperte e 2 teche chiuse oltre a una rete di supporto per rampicanti che insieme formano un continuum vegetale su tre lati del perimetro.Il dispositivo è dotato di un sistema di filtrazione botanica (Stomata™, brevettato da Pnat) che amplifica la naturale capacità delle piante di trattenere e degradare gli inquinanti, organici e inorganici, trasformandoli in nutrienti per le piante.
(en)The Fabbrica dell’Aria®’s 35-m2 greenhouse was placed in the new spaces housing the Group's business units more directly focused on sustainable energy and air quality – L22 Engineering & Sustainability, CAP DC, and Atmos – and there it began to breathe. It consists of 8 open tanks and 2 closed display cases, plus a support framework for climbing plants, which together will form a green array along three of the outside walls.The device has a botanical filtration system (Stomata™, patented by Pnat) that magnifies the plants’ natural ability to hold and break down both organic and inorganic pollutants, turning them into nutrients.
(en)The Fabbrica dell’Aria®’s 35-m2 greenhouse was placed in the new spaces housing the Group's business units more directly focused on sustainable energy and air quality – L22 Engineering & Sustainability, CAP DC, and Atmos – and there it began to breathe. It consists of 8 open tanks and 2 closed display cases, plus a support framework for climbing plants, which together will form a green array along three of the outside walls.The device has a botanical filtration system (Stomata™, patented by Pnat) that magnifies the plants’ natural ability to hold and break down both organic and inorganic pollutants, turning them into nutrients.
Pura atmosfera indoor(en)A pure indoor atmosphere
L’aria non è prelevata dall’esterno dell’edificio ma è un ricircolo di aria indoor: aspirata e forzata attraverso il letto di crescita delle piante, fatta fluire a contatto con le foglie e infine reimmessa purificata nell’ambiente stesso. Mentre radici e foglie lavorano come filtri sempre efficienti, un sistema di sensori permette di misurare e restituire in tempo reale il miglioramento della qualità dell’aria in entrata e uscita. I dati sulla qualità dell’aria mostrano una riduzione degli inquinanti atmosferici del 98%.
(en)Air is not taken in from outside the building.Rather, indoor air is recirculated: it is drawn in and forced through the plant wall, flowing through the leaves, and once purified is finally released in the indoor environment.While the roots and leaves function as steadily efficient filters, a sensor system measures and provides real-time readings on the improvement of ingoing and outgoing air quality. The air quality data show a 98% reduction in air pollutants.
(en)Air is not taken in from outside the building.Rather, indoor air is recirculated: it is drawn in and forced through the plant wall, flowing through the leaves, and once purified is finally released in the indoor environment.While the roots and leaves function as steadily efficient filters, a sensor system measures and provides real-time readings on the improvement of ingoing and outgoing air quality. The air quality data show a 98% reduction in air pollutants.

La visione per il Real Estate(en)A vision for real estate
Con La Fabbrica dell’Aria® Lombardini22 vuole rappresentare un modo non convenzionale di intendere l’atmosfera non solo degli spazi di lavoro ma anche dell’hospitality, del retail, dell’abitare. È un luogo per i collaboratori dello studio, ma anche una vetrina site-specific a disposizione di tutti i players del settore immobiliare con i quali costruire concretamente una cultura della sostenibilità fondata su un benessere reale.
(en)Through the Fabbrica dell’Aria®, Lombardini22 aims to illustrate an unconventional way of conceiving the atmosphere not only in workspaces, but in hospitality, retail and domestic contexts as well.It’s a workplace for collaborators, but also a site-specific showcase available to all real-estate players, with whom a culture of sustainability resting on true wellbeing could be achieved.
(en)Through the Fabbrica dell’Aria®, Lombardini22 aims to illustrate an unconventional way of conceiving the atmosphere not only in workspaces, but in hospitality, retail and domestic contexts as well.It’s a workplace for collaborators, but also a site-specific showcase available to all real-estate players, with whom a culture of sustainability resting on true wellbeing could be achieved.
“È un progetto talmente bello che il desiderio di averne uno nei nostri uffici è stato un riflesso immediato, anche perché è un modello scalabile e replicabile in altri contesti. L’occasione è arrivata con l’ampliamento della nostra sede. La decisione è stata istantanea: la faremo, e la faremo qui!”
Elda Bianchi – Partner & CFO Lombardini22
(en)“It's such a brilliant project that we immediately wanted one in our offices, especially because it’s scalable and can be replicated in other settings. We finally got the chance when we expanded our headquarters. We immediately made up our minds: “Let’s do it, and let’s do it here!”
Elda Bianchi – Partner & CFO Lombardini22
Elda Bianchi – Partner & CFO Lombardini22
(en)“It's such a brilliant project that we immediately wanted one in our offices, especially because it’s scalable and can be replicated in other settings. We finally got the chance when we expanded our headquarters. We immediately made up our minds: “Let’s do it, and let’s do it here!”
Elda Bianchi – Partner & CFO Lombardini22
"Speriamo di convincere i nostri clienti a mettere nei loro uffici, centri commerciali, alberghi e anche – perché no? – in qualche data center, una Fabbrica dell’Aria® che aiuti a vivere meglio”
Franco Guidi – Partner & CEO Lombardini22
(en)““We hope that we’ll persuade our clients to install a Fabbrica dell’Aria in their offices, shopping centres, hotels, or even in a data centre or two, because it will help people live better."
Franco Guidi – Partner & CEO Lombardini22
Franco Guidi – Partner & CEO Lombardini22
(en)““We hope that we’ll persuade our clients to install a Fabbrica dell’Aria in their offices, shopping centres, hotels, or even in a data centre or two, because it will help people live better."
Franco Guidi – Partner & CEO Lombardini22
Concept and Design:(en)Concept and Design:
Partner Tecnici:(en)Technical partners:
Partner 2021:(en)2021 partners: